

Because of the myriad of choices, we have been given, it is can be confusing when deciding what type of Yoga class, you want to attend, what the benefits will be what will you wear? Generally, when I tell people I am a Yoga teacher, they reply that they could never do Yoga as they cannot touch their toes, or they are not “bendy” enough. Like many other images of what Yoga is, these are not prerequisites for starting a Yoga practice or attending a Yoga class! When I began my Yoga journey at 51, I had many of the same questions and challenges. After many years of practice, you may still not be “bendy” enough or be able to touch your toes, but you will be practicing Yoga. You will be taking advantage of the many physical and mental benefits that these ancient practices can bring into your life.

The literal translation of Yoga is Union, the union of the Body, Mind and Spirit. For me and for my practice and teaching, I like to ask, what is Yoga and what does it do? The very simple answer is found in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Chapter 1 Verse 2,

“Yoga is the cessation of fluctuations of the mind.”

We achieve this through physical movements, breathing exercises and meditation.
In the Sivananda Yoga Tradition that I teach, the foundations of our practice and teaching is, Proper Exercise, Proper Diet, Proper Breathing, Proper Relaxation and Proper Mediation.

Each studio-based class follows a classic Hatha Yoga style from Sun Salutations to Shavasana and is accessible to all levels of physical ability. For online classes, a blend of seated postures, breathwork and short meditations are used to relieve stress, improve posture and overall wellbeing.

Please join me and our Yoga Community (Sangha) at any class or workshop that suits you.

Be Good, Do Good, Be Kind, Be Compassionate – Swami Sivananda